In this video we review the necessary steps to set up an Ubuntu server for a remote ssh connection and how to connect to it remotely. We look at 2 different methods of connecting remotely. WSL (Windows Sub System For Linux) and Putty. From a Linux host you can just launch the terminal.
The commands used in this setup are as follows:
On the host (Ubuntu server):
- sudo apt-get update
- sudo apt-get upgrade
- sudo apt-get install ssh
On the ssh client (In a terminal or WSL)
- ssh username@host (IP or hostname)
If you are using putty the you will configure the GUI with at least the minimum settings seen below:
You should now be at the login prompt and be able to log in as the primary user from your Ubuntu server. Using this method is fine in your in a LAN but if you are connecting to a server outside of your LAN, there are several other security steps you will want to take.